The title for this one was a choice between this, and a memorial for the Flowey 8-tracks playlist, but the one that actually matters won out. More on that later.

A belated announcement that Flee The Dungeon is now on Kickstarter! It’s a new board game that I did the characters, icons, cards, and tiles for and I’m incredibly proud of the work I did on it! The game sounds extremely fun too, because it’s a mix of some of my favorite tabletops– D&D and Betrayal at the House on the Hill. I can’t wait to play it myself, but I won’t get a good chance to unless it’s funded and I can actually get a copy.

Kyle, who came up with the game and organized this whole thing, explains it a lot better on the kickstarter page, so if you’re curious to learn more, I recommend going there! As of writing this, there’s about 2 weeks left in the campaign which is more than enough time to get it all the way there!

Link to the Kickstarter page

In other news about other things, the Kokopa’s Atlas Kickstarter as mentioned in last months post just ended today having made well over double what its original goal was! That one was a shock to me, but an exciting one since it meant so many eyes landed on my hard work to make that page beautiful. I was also let in on what’s apparently a little Kickstarter secret trick, where people will set their goal well lower than what they actually want to make on a project and hope to reach their actual funding goal through the stretch goals. I thought that was an insane thing to do when I was told about that, because it was the first Kickstarter the publisher had taken a part in and they were setting the initial goal at half their actual one, but it worked out extremely well for them! I’ve learned all kinds of things about Kickstarters over this past summer. Congrats, Kokopa!

Now to add even more bloat to this already crazy monthly post, I finally have a 3D project to share for this month! This is actually what I really wanted to try and present in these posts so it’d be a nice way to track my personal growth, but with these huge Kickstarters in the way, it was hard to get anything out there! This one still isn’t complete, there’s several fixes and a whole room that needs to be finished, but I’m so proud of how far it’s come.

I also have a tweet that showcases the current state of the main room a little better, linked here.

Grey-boxed house layout
All furniture in the house is modeled
All furniture in the house is filled in with flat colors
The main roon of the house has finished color while the bedroom is still at the flat color stage
Living room of the house rendered with lighting. A character watches the TV which glows a greenish-blue

And finally, on a lower note, a memorial to Stump’s Flowey playlist that we just found out was taken down by 8-tracks and now only leads to an error page. The playlist consisted of Neil Cicierga’s remix “The End” which combined Linkin Park’s “In The End” with I believe a song called “Marble Soda”. The playlist was that song 8 times, each slowed down by something like 30%. It was extremely funny at first, but as the songs turned into a haunting garble on nonsense the more it slowed down, it really made you think. Specifically about Flowey the Flower Undertale. I had long dreamed of doing an art stream where I listened to that playlist the whole time and drove my viewers insane with it, and now that will never happen. All that remains of the playlist is this post by Stump, also screenshotted below.

screenshot of a tumblr post by squatlord-draws with an image of Flowey looking into the sunset with a link to the playlist. the text reads: "i made this for the character flowey from undertale. i think he's a pretty epic dude, and i think he and my dad would get a long..." the caption from 8-tracks is cut off. the rest of the post says "hey everypony i made a flowey playlist i hope you like it :]"

RIP Flowey playlist, you will be missed.